In English, we learned how to convey verbal, written, and visual comedic techniques to entertain and deliver a critical point about a topical issue. We studied different humor across multiple mediums, including literary classics, sketch comedy, standup, television commercials, political cartoons, speeches, and songs. Through collaborative comedic processes such as improv and the writer’s room, you will develop ideas for your own humor project. My group in the end decided to produce a sketch.

At the beginning of April, we started to discuss our project and what we wanted to make. Al four of us thought the idea of chicken nuggets and dinosaurs sounded funny, and the rest came smoothly after that. First we each did a humor study on two comedians to that inspired us for the project. I chose James Cordan and Tina Fey.

Then we started writing our script and planning the shots we needed.

Dino Down
Driving to Shoot Location

Here we have the creative title I made for our video and our final humor video!

I really enjoyed this project and overall it was a fun experience. from coming up with the ideas to filming our crazy video. In the future, I hope to continue making similar videos!