
ISO:100 Shutter Speed:50

For this assignment we were given the prompt “Water is precious and beautiful,” along with several suggestions on how to take photos.

I ha a difficult time choosing what to photograph, however we thankfully had heavy rain weather this week, allowing for ample chances to take photos.

I settled for a photo which would show the movement of water, demonstrating its clear- literal and metaphorical- nature, along with the atmosphere I believe rain can bing. That atmosphere being a chaotic yet precious one.

To get this scene it took many many tries. I focused mainly on getting the camera to focus in on the water. to produce this water affect, with the chaotic nature, I splashed it to the side. I used an elevated surface covered in water. This was mildly time consuming but also gave me a resource limit. I cold only take so many photos before i had splashed away all the water onto t ground, where it would be ineffective. However, before then, I managed to get this beautiful sight. The water is splashing from the left to the right. The chaotic numerous water droplets spray all around the view of the camera. I found the combo of these droplets in focus VS the background being totally out of focus, with the semi in focus foreground, a beautiful combo. I may hav aid one of my previous assignments was my favorite however this one easily bat any other photograph I have done. The nature and importance easily outweighed anything else I had done. I even used another photograph from this photoshoot as an album cover for my song ‘Achilles the Eternal,’ which applies much of what I have described of water into it. There is. wrath and chaos imbrued in the nature of water which can be precivied as unforgiving, similar to the legend of Achilles. however on the other hand, there is a gentleness it brights, for with its destruction there is much life and beauty

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