White Balance

ISO 100 Shutter Speed 50
ISO 100 Shutter Speed 50 (Modified coloring.)

For this assignment, we were given the task to take two photos- one which was normally balanced and one which had a motified whit balance.

White balance essentially decides if the coloring of the photo is warmer or colder. I opted for a warmer vibe due to the generally foggy and lower temp vibe already created a seemingly solidly cold.

I throughly enjoyed trying t find the object to photograph, I settled on these places for several reasons. For one they were on the cooler coloring side, which could create a unique vibe when warmed, and secondly when photographed, the photos were my favorite of several objects I attempted to take, with the infocus plants and out of focus background.

Overall I would sy this was likely m favorite assignment. The task for one taught us a skill which could be used to create a certain atmosphere. This can be seen in the contrast between the two photos, on one hand one is the natural cool color of the day, while the bottom gives to me a more blossoming vibe, which could be sene in a heated area like the savannah or desert.

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