
The Explorations Unit

How can you find, explore, and/or expand your passion?



For the explorations unit, we were given free reign to do whatever we wanted as long as it pertained to our media class. In my case, it was animation. I really enjoyed making the armature doll for the narrative unit, so I wanted to make another one, but bigger. I ended up creating a story based on plants, and learned how to screen write more with dialogue, and did character designs. the doll would be a type of special edition promotion doll if it were a real animation.


Animation Doll:

Three photos of a doll wearing a pink and white dress, and a 2D character illustration. Marigold is written in a script font
Explorations Doll Product

This doll is a promotional product meant to accompany  a pilot episode of an animation I drafted. It is 24″ tall. The doll would most likely be marketed to an older demographic as it has qualities that appeal to collectors. The scale makes this doll less playable but more photogenic – a quality collectors seek. The doll is also fully customizable with interchangeable eyes, clothing, and hair. It would cost more than a PVC doll because of the materials it takes to make it, making it less affordable for children.

I had previously made a fully poseable animation armature, but wanted to make a bigger, more detailed one. I had to problem-solve how to double the scale of my previous doll and create more detailed body parts. I used hard clay, foam, and stronger wires in the body, and polymer clay and resin for the face and eyes. The character design was done in Photoshop.

Materials: foam, wire, fabric, yarn, lace, beads, polymer clay, resin, glitter, acrylic paint, pastels

Screen Writing Script



How I made the doll:
Designing and naming my main character.
Designs of the characters in my script.
Goal of what I wanted the finished doll to look like, what my previous doll had looked like.
Armature steps