Photo Blog #15: Anonymous

People often hide behind their screens while they are online. This sense of anonymity can lead them to doing or saying things which they would never, if their identity were to be known. I resembled this by photographing my laptop in a dark room, with the only illumination being the screen.

Photo Blog #12: Trash

In its lifetime, a piece of trash will see many different things. As they are freshly thrown away, they are only at the beginning of their journey. From manufacturing, to sitting on a shelf, to being held by a possessed by an owner, then disposed of. These pieces laying in their temporary home are about …

Photo Blog #9: White Balance

Since the light in my room is a warmer color, it makes everything in my room have a warmer tone. This makes my blinds, which are truly white, to come off as almost a light yellow. When photographing the blinds, I used a white balance filter in order to make the blinds appear whiter.

Photo Blog #6: Weight or Mass

The clear significance of the red leaf creates a feeling of weight. This is because of the juxtaposition of one red leaf among many green ones.

Photo Blog #3: Mood

My inspiration for this image was my rather hectic week, which caused my mood to be all over the place. Sometimes, I just felt as if everything was out of control, which is how viewers should feel when looking at this picture. I accomplished this visual by shaking my camera while the photo was being …