About Me

Hello my name is Lexi Ivy and I was an Animation student at Freestyle for the 2022 – 2024 school year. Freestyle has taught me so many useful skills and gave me opportunities I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. For example, I probably wouldn’t have started animating if it weren’t for this program and my sister encouraging me to take Animation.

Some things I like outside of schools are plants (crazy ikr), taking pictures on my little crusty digital camera, listening to music, along with drawing and animating (and watching animations of course). I mainly watch animated series with my current favorites (in no particular order) being: Bee and Puppycat, Over the Garden Wall, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Infinity Train. Besides hobbies, I really enjoy going to San Francisco and going to parks, cafes, and thrift stores there.

Overall I’m really proud of the art I created during my time at Freestyle. At the beginning of my time here, my goals were to animate the best I can and try to not have perfectionism negatively impact my work. Overall, I think I achieved these goals pretty well. I’m overall really proud of the animations I made and have pushed my comfort zones but I do think perfectionism has caused me to procrastinate and/ or spend too long on projects. Although I’ve faced some challenges with creating art in Animation and Digital Media, I’m still proud of the work I’ve created over the past 2 years and I’m going to miss being at Freestyle.

Without freestyle I probably wouldn’t have gotten into animation because I’ve always found it cool but never gave myself to push to actually start it. I also really like how Freestyle has given me an opportunity to learn adobe programs since I want to do something within an artistic field and already having that knowledge will be really beneficial.