About Me

A mirror picture of me taken with an old digital camera

Hello and welcome to my website! my name is Lexi Ivy! I’m currently enrolled in the Freestyle program as an animation student for the 2022-2024 school year.

Outside of school, I like to go to plant stores and get new plants to put in my room, I typically try to look for ones that add color or are interesting to look at. Right now, I have roughly 25 plants! I also enjoy taking trips to go to San Francisco. I typically go to cafes, parks, and second-hand stores when I’m there. Another thing I enjoy doing is creating art along with looking at what others have made.

What I expect from myself this year is to be able to animate and make it look the best I can since I currently don’t know much about animating. As mentioned before, I also want to try not to let perfectionism get the best of me because I know that would most likely have a negative impact on my work.