Humor Project

The humor project was another of Freestyle’s open-ended assignments that allowed students to think outside the box and experiment with their own styles of humor. In the past, students have done standup, music videos, skits, comics, and more.

We started this project by studying two comedians of our choice and reflecting at what humor techniques they use in their work. I chose Bo Burnham and Ryan Higa. Then, we wrote a humor proposal to get our project approved. Attached is my original proposal. I later switched to create a group project with two other Freestyle students, Letitia and Allison.

Above are the slides we used in our presentation. Below, you can see our full standup routine.

I was surprisingly proud of how our humor project turned out. I was worried that we didn’t put enough effort into it or that we hadn’t practiced for long enough, but it flowed pretty smoothly. Also, we were worried that our humor was far too absurd and would only be funny to us, but our class really got in on the joke and helped make Lesseb a more flushed out country with their questions.