Author Archives: sarahs

For this photo, I took a picture of a partially dying plant. I wanted to represent my mood. Even though I may be happy most days, there are some days that are not as good as others and that is okay. I represented this through the dying part of the plant at the bottom. I wanted to show that the top of the plant is green and healthy, meaning that I am feeling good. I also wanted to show that bottom of the plant, this represent the past and how I felt then.

For this photo, I wanted to represent a current topic that I am very passionate about. This topic is climate change. The motion in this photo is the throwing of the plastic bottle. I wanted a plastic bottle to represent the pollution that we have brought upon the planet. I also chose this specific lighting to put more emphasis on the subject.

In this photo, I wanted to represent things that were important to me. The first thing that is very important to me is my cats. My cats helped me get through quarantine when things were getting tough. Another thing that is very important to me is my room. My room is my safe space. It is a place were I feel relaxed and at peace. In this photo, I wanted to show the importance of these two things.
