~English & Digital Media Narrative Work~

Poetry done in the Conceptual unit allowed us to express ourselves creatively through writing, something that may feel so familiar to us but unfamiliar at the same time because now we have to challenge ourselves to make something meaningful, symbolic and moving through limited words.

Ekphrastic Poem
How the world saw her and how she sees the world

This project started off by finding a piece of artwork in the San Fransisco Museum of Art and writing a poem inspired by it. I chose Qusuquzah by Mickalene Thomas, a portrait of a trans woman, and created my poem to describe her journey being trans. I enjoyed taking my poem and making visual and audial artwork to cohesively work with it. By first recording and editing the recording of my poem and adding sound effects that fit in with my story I was able to create more than just words on a page. By then adding a visual representation of the first lines of my poem I was able to show the lines’ impact and incorporate Thomas’s art into my poem as well as create some of my own.

screenshot of protools interface when creating the audio behind the photo
This is a screenshot of the Protools interface when I was creating and editing the audio behind the photo.
screenshot of photoshop interface when creating the poem photo
This is a screenshot of my Photoshop interface when creating my poem photo.
Haiku Poem

In English, we were challenged to make a haiku poem based on a random concept statement given to us. The concept statement I received was “the feeling of impatience through the experience of standing up for oneself”. I chose to write my haiku around the controversial topic of sexual assault. We then had to take a photo that conceptually represented the haiku we had written and on GoogleDrawings put our haiku text over that image. In Digital Media we were challenged to make a video of our haiku including an introduction with moving text, and have our text move on to the screen displaying the picture we had taken previously for our poem. We then had to record the poem with our voice and have it line up with the appearance of our text.

Elements and Principles of Art

In this project, we were challenged to find 3 images of art that included, photography, art and modern art online that represented each of the 13 elements and principles of art and compile them into a slides presentation.

Elements and Principles of Art Title Page