Photo Blog #10-Gift
Photo Blog #10-Gift

Photo Blog #10-Gift

Photo of Ceramic Heart
Shutter Speed: 1/25 Aperture: 7.1 ISO: 100 (Edited in Photoshop)

The point of a gift is not entirely to please someone, but instead to share one’s heart and give love towards someone. Because of this, gifting something can make people feel vulnerable or exposed. While making and presenting a gift, only the “prettiest” or warmest areas of the giver are highlighted because those things are easy to process and accept by others. The difficulties behind this show of affection like effort and frustration can often be obscured, but in reality these things are exactly what makes the warmth of the gift truly beautiful. That’s what I tried to convey with this photo. I laid a couple of plastic sheets on top of layered colored construction paper and used a fun lamp to make the shiny effect.

Here’s a cool photo of the lamp (I laid a sheet of tissue paper on top of it):

Lamp Photo
Shutter Speed: 1/40 Aperture: 5.6 ISO: 100