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Freestyle Academy of Communication Arts & Technology

1305 Bryant Ave, Mt. View, CA 94040 T 650-940-4650 x5090
2 Required Classes: English and Digital Media 3rd/Elective Class:  + Animation or Design or Film

Parent Information

Thank you for allowing your child to be part of our Freestyle Community! We are committed to providing an excellent, rigorous, meaningful, and rewarding program for your child.

Here's some information for parents of students at Freestyle Academy:

  1. How can you contact us?
  2. Schedule Info

    Freestyle has a unique class schedule - late start times, long block periods, and a two week repeating schedule. Lots of details posted on

    In addition to 3 Freestyle classes - two required classes in English, Digital Media and one elective class in Animation, Design, or Film - your student is also enrolled in Per. 9 Supervised Study. Here's why.

  3. Attendance, Period-9, Flex
    • There are no bells at Freestyle - just like there are no bells in a professional working film, recording, or design studio.
    • Arriving 30 minutes or more late to class will be recorded as an Absence.
    • Clearing absences - One call by parents to LAHS/MVHS will suffice. Parents do NOT need to call Freestyle (we don't have an attendance phone number or attendance email anyway) if you are absent. Parents can optionally email Freestyle teachers if you wish. Don't worry about informing the Shuttle operators if you're absent.
    • Why does your child have a Period 9 - Supervised Study on their schedule? Or click on the navigation links For Students > Per.9?
    • What is “Flex” on Thursday PM and Friday AM? Or click on the navigation links For Students > Flex
  4. Need a Parent Teacher Conference?

    If needed, parents can request a Parent Teacher Conference with individual teachers. When it makes sense to do so, we can also have a conference with all 3 teachers of your child. You can request a conference through this link:

  5. What do students need for Freestyle?

    Mainly energy and creativity, but no particular thing is required. A limited set of computers are available for check-out for the entire year. However, if you want to OPTIONALLY purchase hardware and equipment, click on the Equipment link on the left under Students for lots of information about what we use at Freestyle. Optional Equipment Purchases - Students/Parents often ask about purchasing equipment for Freestyle. No equipment is required to purchase for any student at Freestyle. You can OPTIONALLY purchase equipment/software and here is some information about computer check-out and what we use at Freestyle

  6. Canvas Class Observer

    All Freestyle Classes use Canvas for class assignments and Grades.

    • Parents are encouraged to become Observers to their student's courses so that you can view assignment dues dates, announcements, and other course content. Observers can view the course content but cannot participate in the course. Ask your child to generate a pairing code for each canvas course in order to become an observer of that course.

      Freestyle Canvas Class links (links not valid until 1st day of school in August)
    • Required courses: English 3 | 4 and Digital Media 1 | 2
    • Elective course: Animation 1 | 2 or Design 1 | 2 or Film 1 | 2
  7. Contributions for various non-classroom items

    Instead of asking for Contributions for different items throughout the year, we are instead asking for a SINGLE voluntary contribution at the beginning of the year which will cover all items. Here's what we're asking for in terms of Contributions - a total of $100 (or more, if you wish) for the following:

    • $50 for Exhibition Costs
    • $25 for Field Trip Buses
    • $25 for Professional Consultants/Guest Speakers, Field Trip Costs

    Total = $100 (or more, if you wish)
    You can contribute at any time during the school year with PayPal ( please pay “as a friend” to avoid PayPal fees ) to or a check can be made out to Freestyle Academy, not to LAHS or MVHS, or cash given to Mr. Florendo. You will eventually receive via email a letter about your contribution for tax-purposes.

  8. All school SF MOMA Museum Field Trip

    Depending upon health and safety conditions, our SF MOMA Museum Field Trip is on Tuesday Aug 29, 2023 - lots more details here. Parents are welcome to be a chaperon - duties quite minimal, in fact. Contact to request being a chaperon.

  9. Freestyle Back-To-School-Night is Thursday Aug 31 (NOT the same night at LAHS/MVHS)

    During the LAHS/MVHS Back-To-School Night, you do NOT come to Freestyle. Parents will have 3 open periods during the LAHS/MVHS BTSN.

    The Freestyle and AVHS Back-To-School-Night is Thursday 8/31/23 - one week after the LAHS/MVHS BTSN so that

    1. ALL Freestyle Parents can meet ALL Freestyle Teachers and see the Freestyle Campus.
    2. ALL Freestyle Parents can better understand Freestyle Classes and expectations.
    3. ALL Freestyle Parents can meet other Freestyle parents.
    4. LAHS/Freestyle Parents can understand the travel route/time that LAHS students take every day.

  10. Freestyle Social Media Links
  11. After School hours

    Freestyle is often, not always, open till 4:00 PM or later. Students just have to ask usually Mr. Florendo what time he is leaving campus since he's usually the last teacher on campus. Students may work in any classroom after school as long as 1 teacher is present on campus.

  12. Food/Drinks

    Each classroom teacher has their own classroom rules about food and drink. There is mini-fridge, microwave, and disposable utensils for all students to use at any time in the Digital Media room - no need to ask, just use as needed.

  13. School Calendar

    To keep up to date on what's happening at Freestyle, click on the calendars link on the left or go to

  14. Project Information

    To know more about each project that your student will produce and how all classes are integrated, please visit out Projects page - click on the navigation menu Info > All Project Info or go to

  15. Class websites

    Click on the links at the top of this page for informations webpages for each class.

  16. Virtual Independent Study Program (formerly Option B) is NOT a Freestyle option

    The Virtual Independent Study Program is available at MVLA, but VISP students are not eligible for any on-campus classes across the district. So, no MVLA student can enroll at Freestyle (and LAHS/MVHS/AVHS) AND select the Virtual Independent Study Program.

  17. Freestyle Shuttle - free van transportation for LAHS students

    Click on the navigation links For Students > LAHS Shuttle Info.

  18. 2024 Summer - TBA

    Take a trip to TBA with other Freestyle Families during summer of 2024. Contact Ms. Parkinson about the trip.

  19. How will Freestyle help my child?

    Otis College Creative Economy Dashboard


    At Freestyle Academy, you will not only strengthen the necessary writing, speaking, and research skills you will need in college and in the workforce, but you will also learn critical communication skills that will help you express your ideas in creative, exciting and original ways such as but not limited to:

    • conceptual art and photography
    • photography with DLSR manual settings
    • experimental films, music and photo/video poems
    • original and adapted short stories and screenplays
    • narrative and documentary films
    • storyboards
    • animatics
    • traditional analog hand-drawn animations, stop motion animations
    • short 2D and 3D digital animations
    • video commercials
    • video trailers
    • website development using WordPress, CSS, HTML, and javascript
    • illustrated art
    • publications such as posters, brochures, magazine articles, books, advertisements
    • critiques and presentations
    • surreal image compositions
    • digital design converted to physical art
    • original music compositions
    • portraiture photography and illustrations
    • self-designed projects
    • personal stationery
    • portfolio showcase with community professionals
  20. Freestyle Alumni Information

    Lots of information about Freestyle Alumni including where they went after high school, what they studied, scholarship data, and testimonials on our alumni webpage.

Similar but other information specific to students is posted on our General Info webpage.