Wowza zoinkers jinkies! Heres the page with all my top-secret projects. Good job on finding it! (Although its not so well hidden.) These are just a few of my projects that I tinker with in my own time.

The Raven Girls

The Raven Girls is a children’s picture book that I’ve been working on! Its target audience is children aged 3-5. It’s based on my relationship with my own sister. The Raven Girls focuses on two sisters, Marcie and Margot. Margot is older and is magical, she can turn into a giant raven. Marcie cannot. Throughout the book Marcie tries to use sticks and twigs to create her own wings, but she ends up getting hurt. Margot helps her, and using the wind from her own raven wings she helps Marcie fly. So far I’ve written the script as well as created thumbnails, and I have three spreads fully rendered. Hopefully it’ll be on shelves soon!

click here to read the script

Logan and Dex

A webtoon I created during winter break, Logan and Dex is about two characters who meet during the zombie apocalypse. Logan – who’s grown used to the zombies and will sacrifice anything to save himself and his sister and Dex – totally clueless but happy to tag along.

Freestyle things

Just a few stray freestyle posters/submissions I made.

Freestyle logo submission
Freestyle Exhibition Poster