
  • Exit

    This year’s final prompt was, “Every exit is an entry to somewhere else. Be inspired by an exit this week.” My first thought for this prompt was to take a picture of a door or exit sign, but I thought that seemed a little obvious. So, I decided to try to capture an “exit from…

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  • Geometry

    This week’s prompt was, “We live in a world surrounded by geometry. Use geometry in your photo this week.” Initially, I focused my shots on manmade structures with very clear geometrical elements, like squares and triangles. However, the photos were not very interesting to me, though they clearly met the prompt. So, I decided to…

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  • Flowers

    This week’s prompt was, “With spring blooms, tell the story of stunning flowers.” I took so many pictures of beautiful flowers for this prompt, and it was very hard to choose just one. I ended up settling on this photo because I really liked the way that the sun shone through the petals. The sun…

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  • Tell a Lie

    The photo blog prompt for this was, “prove the saying “the camera never lies” wrong. take a picture of something that is not what it appears to be.” For this prompt, I decided to try using a photo of a pool to tell a story/imply something that isn’t true. The way the photo is posed,…

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  • Angles

    This week’s prompt was “use creative angles in your shots.” I had a lot of fun experimenting with this prompt. I ended up in quite a few strange positions while trying to get the right shot, which my dad thought was hilarious. He took a bunch of pictures of me laying on the ground or…

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  • Stranger

    This week’s photo blog prompt was “tell the story of a stranger.” At first, I tried to capture moments of others people lives at a park near my house. They are strangers after all. I walked with my sister, and we had a lot of fun! However, I wasn’t satisfied with any of the pictures…

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  • Serenity

    This week’s prompt was, “What does serenity mean to you?” For this prompt, I took a picture of a ladybug that had flown into me, one of many that have been popping up all around my city recently. Every time I see one, I start absentmindedly counting the dots on their back, or think about…

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  • Aging

    This week’s prompt was, “Love it or hate it, aging is something we all experience. So tell us the story of Aging in a single photograph.” At first, I tried to look at the nature around me for things like shriveled leaves next to green buds. I wanted to find something unique to show the…

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  • Rule of Odds

    For this photo prompt, we were challenged to learn about the rule of odds and how it can be useful in our photography. Essentially, the rules of odds is based on the idea of trying to organize subjects in groupings or totals that are odd because it makes the photos you take more appealing to…

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  • Golden Hour

    Golden Hour The prompt for this week was to explore Golden Hour Photography, which is characterized by warm soft light, and is usually done an hour after sunrise or an hour before sunset. During the evening, I went into my backyard to experiment with the yellow light cast by the setting sun. I brought some…

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