New Beginnings

The prompt for this week’s blog was, “The world is full of circular patterns, some things end, others begin, tell a story of a new beginning.” I decided to choose two photos for this prompt to convey the life cycle of a rose. After brainstorming ideas, I went to a park near my house and found a rose bush. Unfortunately, it’s winter right now and there were no new buds to be found, or else I would have three photos. However, I was able to capture a rose with one final petal and one in full bloom. To me, this represents the transition from feeling exhausted at the end of the 1st semester to emerging refreshed and with a renewed interest in learning. With the new year, grades are reset to a blank slate, there is lots of time for rest and recovery due to holidays, and rain washes away lingering grime on the streets. Roses blooming are usually a sign that spring has started, but they can be resilient at any time of the year.

(1/85 sec, f/5.6, ISO 100)
(1/100 sec, f/6.3, ISO 100)