White Balance

The instructions for this assignment were to, “Use white balance for a photo that’s not necessarily color-accurate. Please show two photos: one with the original auto white balance, and one with a different white balance (your choice).” For this Blog, I used a photo of my cat that had fairly neutral lighting. Changing the white balance of a photo means changing the way white light looks in the picture, usually on a spectrum of warm orange/yellow to blue light. Normally, the camera auto-sets white balance, but this assignment required students to set it manually. I tried changing the white balance of my photo to each end of the spectrum and ended up liking the warmer version better. However, in the future, I want to try taking photos with more blue-inclined white balance because I have seen some very cool examples of it.

Auto White Balance

(1/85 sec, f/5.6, ISO 320)

Altered White Balance

(1/85 sec, f/5.6, ISO 320)