Month: May 2022


Next year I will be attending Brigham Young University and I am so excited. I am going to stay in Stover Hall and that is where we are above. I am super ready for the future even though I will be sad to leave high school. Graduating seems scary but I am ready to live…

By avab May 23, 2022 Off

Frame Within the Frame

I feel like this photo is a good example of framing within the frame. My friends were walking down the hill and the tree branches came around and framed them into the picture. It created a small circle around the subjects so that they are the main focus. I really like this image because it…

By avab May 16, 2022 Off


To represent what people think of me, I chose this photo of my sister. I feel like I am seen as the photographer’s friend and I love the sky. I am always taking photos of anything that I think looks cool or beautiful. I also enjoy capturing the candids of the people around me so…

By avab May 9, 2022 Off