Narrative Visual Perspective in English

Lyrical Essay

For English, we wrote lyrical essays which are often research essays that have an element of poetry or art that mixes up the structure of the writing. It is a hybrid between writing and art where we got to choose a topic and research and dove into that topic. The topic I was interested in was personality tests and why humans seek answers about themselves. I set up my essay in the format of a mystery investigation because we as people are a mystery. Personality quizzes were very cool to study and I was able to look and the history and psychology behind them. I really enjoyed this project and the freedom that the lyrical essay gave me.


The Mystery of Personality


I really enjoyed this unit in English because it was very interesting and freeing. We began by reading so many different essays and books. These writings were similar to poetry and were very inspiring and thought-provoking. From there I was able to begin doing research for any topic that I wanted. I felt daunted by the task of narrowing all of my ideas down but I am happy about what I decided. After the research, I began writing and I played around with a lot of different structures and formats. Some ideas were doing an actual quiz where the answers were my thoughts to posed questions or writing it like a recipe because our personality is one of the ingredients of a human. I ended up going with a case file that fit my theme of mystery. I am proud of how this essay turned out and would only change minor things.