Blog Post #25 – Freedom


This flower shop is located on the Mission, and is a small business run by a young girl. This is a posterized version of a picture I took of her shop during my visit. The owner seemed so content with her life. As customers came and went, she made an effort to engage with every single one. This woman, and her shop, represent freedom to me.

Blog Post #24 – Tell a Lie

Everyone is convinced they love their pets more than the world, and they care for them with the utmost respect. However, i’ve never seen so many sad dogs as I did in the city. So many puppies tied to poles for hours at a time, looking helpless and lonely. Most pet owners will only show the photos where they are happily cuddling their pet, but not the parts where they abandon the poor thing.

Blog Post #23 – Leading Lines

Quiche and Coffee

Photographing food is hard, especially while you are hungry. Tis quiche was one of the best i’ve ever had in my life. Obviously I couldn’t resist taking a bite before the photo. Ironically, it adds some nice leading lines and makes the picture more intriguing.

Blog Post #21 – Serenity

One With The Wind

I took this picture in San Francisco on the Mission. This man in front of my car was riding his motorcycle while blasting music and had a big smile on his face. I immediately took out my camera to capture this moment of internal serenity.

Blog Post #19 – Aging

San Francisco

When you think of aging, what do you think of? Usually question is answered with “getting old” referring to humans. What we don’t think of is how the world around us is aging too. It’s getting just as old as we are, changing constantly.

Photo Blog #18 – #NoFilter

Outside Warriors Stadium in San Francisco

This photo was taken outside the San Francisco Warriors game in February. The photo is a bit grainy because since we could not edit the photo using anything but exposure, I was only able to brighten the picture, making it grainy. It was dark and cold outside, yet everyone was sitting happily outside the game excitedly, waiting for news.

Photo Blog #17 – Negative Space

Negative Space

In this photo, I used negative space to capture and highlight the bell as well as my dad walking under it. There isn’t much else going on in the photo so the use of that negative space, as well as utilizing the rule of thirds, really highlights the aspects of the photo that I want. Additionally, the circular swirl in the ground adds dimension to the photo.

Photo Blog #16 – Shadow

Above San Francisco

This photo was taken on a San Francisco skyline with my dad. Because this photo was taken after dark, I used the light from the city to create a blackened shadow effect on my subject that I think came out really nicely.

Photo Blog #15 – Anonymous

Anonymous- Rain Collection

My interpretation of anonymous correlates with being alone. When I think of the word “anonymous”, I think of someone who is engulfed with loneliness, hiding from others. I took this photo during pouring rain in the begginging of January. It was almost one in the morning, and I was the only one out on the roads. This picture depicts anonymity to me because I felt I was isolated from the rest of the world when photographing this empty road.

I edited this picture using different color photo frames in photoshop. I also played with the saturation of the picture. This photograph is part of my Rain Collection.