Photo Blog #14 – Center Framed Portrait

No Parking- Rain Collection

This post was drawing attention to one particular object. In this case, I was highlighting the “NO PARKING” signs in this parking lot. I created this effect by moving the camera while taking the shot, showcasing a blurring outcome in the photo. Because the signs are light reflecting and the picture was taken in the dead of night, they are the only things in the photo that did not come out blurred.

My photograph required very little editing. The only thing I did to it was adjust the curves, as well as the brightness and contrast in the piece. “No Parking” is part of my Rain Collection.

Photo Blog #13 – New Beginnings

Clean Slate- Rain Collection

New beginnings means to start fresh- clean. Rain has always made me think of new beginnings because the rain washes away any impurities around me. Circular Patterns are the inspiration for this photograph. This picture is a reflection of the rearview mirrors on my car. The water droplets create hundreds of tiny circles. While taking this photo, it was pitch black outside. When a car began to drive in my direction, it’s headlights merged in one perfect circle in the mirror. This highlights circular patterns perfectly.

To edit this picture, I played with the curves slightly, but the main edits come from the individual colors. I turned down the saturation in every color except for yellow, brining emphasis to the large circle in the middle. “Clean Slate” is part of my Rain Collection.

Photo Blog #12 – Trash

“Wire Trash”

I found these wires on a brick wall in an alleyway in San Francisco. These wires caught my eye because although they are miscellaneous and dirty, the way they are placed reminds me of art. The loops in the thick rubber strings draws your eye, and every time you look around the picture, you find something new to analyze. The graffiti also makes the picture more interesting by adding pops of color.

Blog Post #11 – Balance

“The Door”

This photo is a prime example of balance because of it’s symmetrical lines on either side of the door. The different grafiti art that is painted on either side doesn’t allow it to be completely symmetrical, however the pops of yellow on either side create the illusion of balance.

Photo Blog #10- Hometown

Shoreline Golf Range

This photo was taken at the Shoreline golf range which has always been a landmark in Mountain View. I grew up going here with my friends all the time. I was there golfing with some friends and with the lighting was just right with the sunset in the background. I edited this photo using the brush tool and the curves adjustment.

Photo Blog #9 – White Balance

Editing a Picture Using White Balance

During my trip to New York over Thanksgiving, I look this picture at the Metropolitan Museum of Art which was incredible. To edit the photo, I used magenta and yellow tones on the highlights, and blue tones on the shadows.

Photo Blog #8 – Leading Lines

Using Leading Lines to Show The Concept of Infinity

This photo was in a mirrored building in New York. The walls and floors were made of reflected glass, creating the illusion of a never ending room. I took this picture on the third floor, leaning over the ledge of this large repeating hole in the floor that repeating down through all the stories. This picture uses leading lines to help make it seem like an infinite building.

Photo Blog #7 – Love Story

A Photo That Demonstrates Love

This photo I took of my sister shows love in an infinite amount of ways. The main reason of course, is that I love her with my entire heart and more. True love stays through arguments and hardships, and even though Xochi gets on my nerves and drives me crazy, she is the best little sister I could ask for. She’s an amazing person and incredibly beautiful. She’s generous and kind to every person she meets. She is loved by everyone who is so fortunate to speak to her. My sister has the brightest soul of anyone i’ve ever met and I love her.

Photo Blog #5 – Symmetry

Leaves Changing Colors

This picture shows symmetry in every day life. I took this picture on my way to work, and the colors were enchanting. The symmetry of the cars and trees make the picture symmetrical and visually pleasing.