The Future

This week we were challenged by the prompt “the future.” I absolutely love this photo that I took and edited of the sunset. I love how the (literal) sun is there, but also these bars that are in the shape of the sun. When I look at this picture, I feel inspired to do something …

Self Portrait (part 2)

Last year one of our first photo blog prompts was a “self-portrait” picture. I spent (literally) an hour trying to set up the shot and take the perfect photo. I spent almost the same amount of time coming up with the “perfect” caption. I was trying so hard, it was no longer fun. I still …


This week we were challenged to post a picture inspired by food. Speaking of challenges, this cake was just that! My little sister dreamed up her birthday cake for literally the entire year leading up to it. After discussing various (well, many, many) options, she landed on something – random, but fun. Here was her …

Trick Photography

This week we were challenged to use props to create a trick image. I used a ziploc bag sprinkled with water to create a dreamy/out of it effect. I was going for the look in movies when people just wake up after being knocked out and everything is blurry and distorted.

Modern Convenience

This week we were challenged to take a photo of a modern connivence that we could not live with out. As I began to think about it, I realized just how many there are! Heck, the camera that I took the photo on, the outlet I used to charge my battery, the computer I am …

Current Events

This week we were challenged to take a photo representing current events. In the last couple of months, I have noticed how much prices have skyrocketed. Gas is over $5 a gallon and the Dollar Store is now the $1.25 store! I went to safeway and fruit was crazy expensive. Luckily, we have a produce …

Staged Photo

This week we were challenged to take a photo using a creative staged background. I used a rock in my backyard and a tiny cat to give the illusion that the cat was on a mountain. Blurring the background helped make the illusion more realistic and give it additional depth.

Deadly Sins

This week we were challenged to take a photo representing one of the seven deadly sins. This stuffed animal, Carlos, looks naturally envious. I added some props to this photo to give it some color and depth, and I liked how it turned out.


This week we were challenged to take a musical photo. Melody, my youngest sister, is the most musical out of our family (her name is very fitting). She loves playing around on the piano in our kitchen! She’s practicing to play a song for my older sister, Robyn, when she comes back from Germany from …