Video Essay

For our video essay in Film, we were asked to make a short two minute film about an aspect of us as a person. Not giving our life’s story, but something very important to us that makes us who we are. I chose to make my video essay about my journey with fashion, building my own style and experimenting with all sorts of clothes, colors, and patterns.

Since this was our first project coming back from summer break, a lot of what we went through was practice and refreshing our memories from last year, including using Lavalier mics and relearning camera placement. We also got brand new cameras that were even better than our previous year’s, and it was great learning the new buttons and things we could do. There were several inconveniences I had to go through to complete this production; for example, bringing a whole suitcase of clothes that I had to constantly change outfits for my recordings. There were also some problems with the coloring, which I did not realize I couldn’t fix until the post production phase. However, I’m still proud of the way my video essay turned out as it did make many people laugh.

This is what the editing process on Premiere Pro looks like!

I really value being able to have the high quality production equipment that I can use to create a video essay like this, and I’m even more excited to be using it to make our Narrative 2 movie, which we have been working on for months. The editing process looks very similar for all the movies, so hopefully you can enjoy just the videos.

1 Minute Movies

As you can tell from this title as well, we were tasked to create a one-minute movie and were only given a couple days to film and edit. Though there were multiple plot twists in our production… We made our own story and even created a storyboard, being super excited to start filming. However, our teacher dropped a bomb – we had to switch storyboards with the other group. We filmed the other group’s storyboard and once again got so excited to begin editing that one. Our teacher dropped yet another bomb and told us we had to switch SD cards and edit the other film. The one below is our final edited version.

1 Minute Movie

Dialogue Scenes

Dialogue is one of the most important aspects to any film, and is one us film students didn’t get a chance to really focus on until our narrative 2 unit this year(last year we used no dialogue in narrative 1). The following video is a practice video, following a script Mr. Taylor wrote for us. However, we did stray a little off script, and instead of following two school students, we follow the story of two soldiers on the battlefield who imagine themselves in school.