Photo Blog #34: Color Without Color

Growing up, I frequently read Calvin and Hobbes. The demeanor of Calvin and his carefree lifestyle contrasted by his heavily philosophical monologues captured my interest, making it became my favorite comic of all time.

Photo Blog #30: Your Habits

One of the first things that comes to mind when thinking about habits is flossing and brushing your teeth. It’s one that we’re all familiar with and hopefully incorporate in our lives. So, that’s what I decided to photograph. I tried to get creative with the composition and had the floss traveling throughout.

Photo Blog #28: Your Culture

While my family has Chinese history, its culture isn’t prevalent in my day-to-day life. The furthest it extends is sometimes celebrating cultural holidays like Chinese New Year with extended family. My mom, who is only a second generation Chinese-American, is also relatively disconnected from the culture. The culture this country definitely has more influence over …

Photo Blog #27: Exit

It is often said that someone’s eye is the entrance to their soul. But aren’t entrances also exits?

Photo Blog #26: Geometry

Wherever we go, geometry surrounds us. This multi-layered fence allows for an interesting composition of wooden strips.

Photo Blog #25: Freedom

Freedom can mean many things to different people. But when I hear “freedom”, I think of a limitless life with no constraints. Birds resemble this lifestyle with their ability to glide through the air.

Photo Blog #21: Serenity

Everybody has their own definition of serenity. But for me, I feel like serenity is when you are at peace with yourself and others, and are free from all the worries of life.

Photo Blog #19: Aging

As this wall has aged, it has witnessed many things. It has seen new people move in when the old people move out, and ithas seen people grow up and old, maturing throughout life.