2” f22 ISO3200

One thing we learned while in freestyle while using our new camera was using slower shutter speeds to take cool light photography. With slower shutter speeds the the bright lights that are moving appear as a line because of the camera capturing light for longer. I decided to use the skills I learned into use with this photo. Since I took this photo at night the lights appear even more vibrantly and contrast with the background. I took this photo while playing around with different camera settings in the car. Because of the moving car, the ground and the background of this photo appear blurry from the shutter speed. However, I feel like they make the lines look crisp and stand out even more. The lines are going towards the middle right area of the pot where you can see more flashing lights. When looking at this photo, the lines lead you to that area and make you wonder what is there. Although I took this photo unintentionally, I really like the outcome of this photo and how abstract it looks.

By mayay