

This unit, the goal was to explore and improve different skills and passions. We focused on eight 21st century skills, visual literacy, technological literacy, creativity, self direction, productivity, collaboration, civil responsibility, and risk taking.

brainstorming sketch
progress shot
progress shot

In design, I chose to use clay as it was a material I have not used a lot and have been curious about. The skill I wanted to show was creativity, the act of creating something new and original.I was thinking that I wanted to add some more decorations and color to my lizard’s tank and I figured this project would be a great opportunity to do that. I decided to make a clay mushroom for him to hide inside and get shade and on the top with a water bowl on top.

finished mushroom

Overall, I am pretty happy with this project. Although, if I were to do it again, I would want to make it taller and smaller towards the top of the stem to give a more traditional mushroom shape.

final mushroom

Explorations Music

In digital media, we created music using Pro Tools. We used a keyboard to replicate any instrument and used it to create original songs. I decided I wanted to use mainly piano and organ in my song because they were just my favorite sounds that I saw on Pro Tools.

pro tools interface

I am pretty proud of the drums that I made because at first I was very confused about all of the different buttons, but I got the hang of it and had a lot of fun. I also valued learning all of the different plugins. This is a very different way of using Pro Tools than we did in our previous projects so that was pretty cool.