Story Telling

Modern Convenience

ISO:6,400 Aperture:5 Shutter Speed:1/100

One modern convenience that I can’t live without is the microwave. If I am feeling lazy and I want something to eat, I can have something ready in just a few minutes.

Story Telling

Film Noir

black and white photo of staircase.
ISO:6,400, Aperture: 3.625, Shutter Speed: 1/100

For this photo, I turned the saturation down to zero to make it in black and white. I also wanted for the lighting to be really dramatic so I increased the contrast and the brightness to make the light shine through more.

Story Telling


shadow puppet rabbit
ISO: 64,000 Aperture: 4 Shutter Speed: 1/100

For the prompt silhouette, I made a shadow puppet. This is the silhouette of a bunny.

Story Telling

Color without Color

black and white image of a tree and grass
colored tree and grass
ISO:6400 Aperture: 4.625 Shutter speed:1/320

For this prompt, I wanted to choose a subject that could imply color. So I chose grass and trees because by looking at it, you would be able to tell that they were green.

Story Telling

Friends and Family

Person with pants on her head and sweater on legs with fake head
ISO:200 Shutter speed:1/100 Aperture:4

One night, my friends and I decided to create an upside down person. So we put pants on her head and a sweater on her legs with a soccer ball as a head.

Story Telling


ISO: 100 Aperture:4 Shutter-speed:1/8

For this assignment, I chose to photograph an apple and honey. It is almost Rosh Hashanah, a Jewish holiday celebrating the new year. On this day, we eat apples and honey to make the new year sweet.

Story Telling


small pink and white flowers on a green bush
ISO:100, Aperture:8, Shutter speed:1/100

This week, the prompt was flowers so I went outside and found some flowers that I liked that were in the sun and I took a photo of them.

Story Telling


woman with headphones in front of nature background.
Aperture:4.625, ISO:400, Shutter speed:1/100

For this assignment, the prompt was stranger. I had her face away from me and listening through her headphones to make it look like she was just a stranger going about her day.

Story Telling


ISO:6,400, Shutter speed:1/512, Aperture:4

I first started crocheting in elementary school and the first thing I made was a stuffed mouse. I wanted to compare this with one of the more recent things I made to show how I improved as I grew up.

Story Telling


ISO:100 Aperture:4.625 Shutter Speed:1/345

For this prompt, I took a photo of my shadow in front of a door with an octogonal window. I thought the shape of the window looked cool and the brightness of the door created a lot of contrast between it and the shadow of me and the surrounding area.