Narrative Perspective in Digital Media

Surreal Composition

screenshot of Photoshop window for surreal image
Photoshop Screenshot

We used Adobe Photoshop to create a surreal image inspired by our World Building research topics. My topic was the “Troubled Teen Industry” which often takes place in wilderness like the forest or mountains. Because of this, my image is of a young girl in the mountains. To make this image surreal, I created a rainbow out of different types of flowers.

For this project, I wanted to make it look like the girl is building a rainbow out of flowers. To do this, I created a clipping mask on the girl, then selected individual flowers to arrange them into a pile. One issue I had was that I could not get the flowers to blend into the rainbow. To fix this, I decided to change the opacity as well as the size. One thing I would change if I were to redo this project would be that I would choose flowers that had more variety in shape and color to make it more interesting.

Multi Layered Art Project

The first step in this project was to do a quick sketch of what we wanted it to look like. I wanted to show people circled around a spider in the forest with a city in the background. I also added in our main character in. the background peering around a tree.

Pencil sketch of people and spiders in forest
Rough Sketch

For this project, we used Adobe Illustrator to create a three dimensional image to represent our World Building story from English. I decided to make a light box. We used the laser cutter to cut out each layer on card stock and then stacked them to create depth.

Light box with people and spiders in forest
Finished Light Box

This project was based on our world building stories. My group’s story was about a secret society of spider-worshiping people living in the forest. It was really interesting to see how much depth we could create with the many layers. I also enjoyed learning how to maneuver the camera through a video, rather than only being able to move the different objects through a stationary view. Knowing how to use Illustrator and After Effects is very useful for producing media because they allow for a variety of different projects. Knowing how to use both of these applications can allow you to create digital drawings, videos, animations, and physical objects.

screenshot of after effects window
Effects Screenshot
illustrator drawing of people and spiders in forest
Adobe Illustrator Drawing