Photo Blog #25-Flowers
Photo Blog #25-Flowers

Photo Blog #25-Flowers

Aperture: 5.6, Shutter Speed: 1/100, ISO: 100

I really love that I was able to capture the details of the leaves on the ground and on the stem of the dandelion, and how nicely the background blurred. This picture is hopeful for me, it feels like the dandelion is standing robust and confident amongst a swirl of confusion. I find that its its neck, where its bright fluff and stem meet, resembles a spider with slightly grotesque spindly legs. Flowers are beautiful, yes, but they also feel alien somehow, like strange mysterious beings, ensnaring artists’ eyes with their elegant voices. We attach so much meaning to them, we long to hear their thoughts and voices, but they are also as machine-like as a virus. That’s what my mind wanders off to when I see this picture.