
My podcast is about lesser-known folktales and through characterization of the narrator for the podcast, envelops the audience in fantasy and storytelling through voices, sound effects, and lesser-known tales. For as long as I can remember, storytelling has been a huge part of what interested me in almost any medium for art and entertainment and I found that there weren’t many podcasts out there whose goal it was to share stories and lessons with the world. Feeling inspired, I decided to look for the more out-of-the-ordinary folktales to make for my first podcast, as ones fewer ears have heard make it all the more fun to try and interpret them.

Podcasting offers a unique opportunity for a type of humor and storytelling not well offered through other entertainment. Instead of a direct conversation with multiple characters (and similar to speech and debate), you only listen to the voices of these conversations, giving the audience an ample chance to make their own imagery and connections in their mind of how the setting, person, or story looks. This chance for interpretation of an art form through sound is something I admire fondly of podcasts.

My inspirations for the podcast come from the DND-focused podcast Critical Role, which has similar segments in their show where they world build and character building through short stories and imagery.