Conceptual Unit Introduction

In the Animation conceptual Unit, we were challenged to learn the history of Animation and replicate it. We used downshooters, cutouts, markers, and anything we could get our hands on to express ourselves through the means of traditional animation. 

Phenakistoscope & Zootrope

While making the phenakistoscope and the zootrope I valued learning and participating in what was once a revolutionary step in animation. Originally created in the 1800’s for the purpose of entertainment, and making a phenakistoscope and Zootrope is an important part in understanding how animation got to the point it is today. Here is mine! 



In this project, we were challenged to make a flipbook that conveyed at least 3 principles of animation only using simple shapes. I valued learning the fundementals of animation and conveying them effectively with limited shapes. Here is my digitized flipbook!

Direct Techniques

Doing the direct techniques drawings, we were challenged to make two animations using various traditional media. I valued the creativity and techniques I learned from this project. Here are my cutout and white-board animations!

Exquisite Corpse

In this project, we were challenged to put together a 2 second animation based on 2-3 key frames. We used lightboards (as the name indicates, the board lights up from the bottom and shines through layers of paper allowing the animator to draw frames consistently) to animate inbetween these images and put the whole animations of every student together. I valued being able to express myself creatively while having some constraints.