
Current Mood

Basketball hoop without net with sunset and tall trees in background
Seems Good, Until You Take a Closer Look. Something’s Missing.

Yesterday night, I debated if I should go on a walk with my family. I was stressed about a test coming up, but I knew I would study more efficiently if I went out. On the walk, I was dreading coming back home, because the air was so fresh and I was overwhelmed about my test, and wanted to leave those feelings behind for as long as possible. But I just could not do it. I continued to worry as I walked along. I was feeling like I was doing so much, but still missing something. Like I was not happy with where I was at, but I could not pinpoint why or what I needed to change. As we walked through the local middle school, we saw that all of the nets and rims had been taken off the back boards, so that people could not play. I had to run home and grab my camera, because I felt the same way. I was all set up, like the basketball hoop, I had a good structure, but I was missing something important. But from far away, people could not tell that there was not a rim. They would approach the hoops, basketball in hand, only to find that the essential part was gone. And that was how I felt yesterday. I seemed put together from afar, but close up, if I was honest with myself, I could see that I was missing something crucial.

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