
Monarch butterfly population moves closer to extinction


In Reflections for English, we started with our essence objects. Objects that mirror our true self. With help of the College Essay Guy and Mr. Greco, we were able to provide greater insight into what situations and experiences have helped form who I am today.

College Essay

My Personal Essay :

When I was young, I built extravagant dresses out of layers of paper towels and toilet paper, bodysuits out of markers for my Barbies- inspired by the clothes I saw at Toys-R-Us. Although I was still too young and agitated to spend money, I knew I could efficiently create my flair of economic drama.

Now that I’m older, I wonder if that was the start of my lifelong passion for fashion.As I grew older, my creations found life through drawing. I discovered a world of endless possibilities. I learned soon when I noticed how my mother nurtured my love of creation while my father claimed it was a waste of time. Although paper offered abundance and flexibility, to better communicate, I transformed the living room whiteboard into the Savanna.

Afterwards, close ones neither questioned my dreams and choices much, instead content that my small actions reflected my temper and determination. Going into freshman year, I tentatively selected Drawing 1. Each large-scale project we completed, we discussed, offering constructive criticism by analyzing harmony, message, and what gave it power. For the first time I received honest feedback while simultaneously gaining confidence. I learned every choice has a meaning.

However, my doctor drilled me with weight management. He curbed my motivation. Moreover, I was pressured by my academic counselor to take classes I was not interested in, such as AP Spanish 4. She added I should pick a more sensible career.

I had seen individuals rejecting their own heritage, their own language–I found it embarrassing. But I was doing the same. I found that I was not rejecting the class but my inability to self-advocate.

In my own illustrations, I began noting Caucasian-like sketches who met societal beauty standards. I became such an ‘American-girl’ that I could no longer recognize my true self from my act.

As a girl of color I was robbing myself of my own life. Sure Americans like knowing specialized skills, but my people were telling me that I should have a diverse skill-set. I should be unstoppable

But I was in denial.

Because if I couldn’t be the proper weight, the proper Mexican-American, I could not be that artist.

I had grown up knowing that I must not gain a pound so that clothes for kids my age would fit right. But that never sat right with me. Neither had denial of my heritage.I began analyzing which fabrics were most flattering on figures. Garments I wore now took into consideration origin: production and environmental impact.

I became more swift at recognizing items that were durable and worthwhile. Because clothes are not made for the wearer. Not society. Or the environment. Coming to terms with my Latina roots, I began taking pride by understanding where my parents came from. Yo soy un Nopal on American land. My roots stretch as far as the Mexican fields of corn, bananas, and wild lands. As a consumer and artist, I now make sure to make educated decisions from recycling my fabric scraps to for details for other garment details to the clothes I wear, protecting my yolpaki; my happiness of the heart.

To continue my pursuit of knowledge, I joined Freestyle and joined as a writer for SLAM Magazine while I  pursue knowledge on different mediums all while I pursue my interest in fashion and personal mission: to create a future brand that embraces diversity and inclusion with sustainability. Each action I take similar to art reflects the person I am becoming.

A Dreamer. Mentor. Creator.

When I design, though, fears and insecurity can attack one, my creations need only reflect the beauty within itself, able to stand on its own. To be a piece that is comfortable, to be The Companion by your side, cheering you on. Inspire confidence. So, what will beauty be without insecurity? That is for my needle and thread and pen strokes to uncover.