
Current Events

homes built in AP Environmental Science

The silence before the storm never gets old. Quaking in your boots, fists clenched. Heavy breathing filled with anticipation. Is today the day you live, or you die? Who knows. By the end of today, you’ll either be dead or so grateful you are alive- that you never question those moments of peace.

But when all you want is peace, you should prepare to face the man whose face is of greed. Who knows when you’ll sleep in your bed again– the one your parents scraped up to by on your 8th birthday.

Who knows if you’ll live to see tomorrow? –Even if you do, do you think you’ll ever see the face of your loved ones again?




This week we were prompted to seek to portray current events, and right now, we have the war Russia is bringing to Ukraine while they fight for their freedom. I just thought that it is important to realize that even after a war is won or lost, reconstructing and maintaining is one of the hardest parts. Especially when people are only able to standby in ignorance or comfort to do nothing simply because it doesn’t directly affect them.

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