
A photo of a girl I saw at the parade for March for our Lives a while back. This week we were challenged to take a photo of a stranger and I found this photo of a girl from the March for our Lives parade I had taken. It's one of my favorite photos because of her smile and her sign that she proudly holds above her head. She looks like she 's going to make real change in the world one day.


A collection of physical photos throughout the years. This week we were challenged to tell a story about aging and I chose this subject because it shows how much I have aged and how much in my life has changed and how much I have grown and matured.


Shadows from my blinds in my bedroom. This week we were challenged to tell a story using shadows and I decided to take a photo of shadows from my blinds outside my window to show one of my favorite moments when I sleep in on Sunday and slight sunlight creeps through my room to wake me up.

New Beginnings

My apartment door sign. This week we were challenged to tell a story about New Beginnings. I was inspired to take a photo that represented my new beginning of moving to Mountain View two years ago. This sign is on my apartment door and represents my new home.


A street in my hometown of San Jose. This week we were challenged to take a photo of something that resembled our hometown and I took a picture of a street very close to my childhood home in San Jose with a beautiful sunset in the background.
Two girls smiling and hugging

Love Story

Two of my close friends, Roo and Janya. This week we were challenged to take a photo that showcases a love story. The love story I am showcasing is the one of friendship, and here are two of my close friends Roo and Janya who I love with all of my heart.
Patterned red and gold fabric


My favorite cultural dress. We were challenged to take a picture of something that shows warmth and something that makes mefeelwarm, safe, and at home is anything having to do with my culture. I wore this to a cultural event called "dandia" which is a type of event that brings people together to dance and have fun. It makes me feel warm not only because of the warm colors but the significance it...

Self Portrait

These are a few of my favorite things! This picture represents much of my personality as much as material objects can. Captain America was my favorite superhero as a child and still my favorite to this day and his character had a large impact on me and how I grew up as a girl obsessed with comic books and made me understand what gender norms were and how I didn't have to conform to them....