
Leading Lines

celery, carrots, and spoon on a cutting board.
Aperture:4.625, ISO:2,500, Shutter speed:1/100

For this prompt, I used the celery, carrots, and spoon to lead to a point. I wanted to angle of the lines created by these objects to be pointing in the same direction and eventually intersect.


Rule of Odds

ISO: 6,400, Aperture:5, Shutter speed: 1/500

To show the rule of odds, I found a smiley face that I drew in chalk and drew two more to make three of them.


Negative Space

ISO:6.625 Aperture:4.425 Shutter speed:1/15

For this prompt, I used the view over the roof of my house because the silhouettes of the trees and lamps showed negative space.


Center Frame Portrait

ISO: 6,400 Aperture:6.625 Shutter Speed:1/64

This week’s prompt was to use a center framed portrait to show loneliness. To do this, I used a hippo. I put it in the center of the photo with a very bare background to show that it is alone.


Balance in Holiday Tradition

ISO:6,400 Aperture: 6.625 Shutter speed:1/60

I am Jewish so one of the traditions my family has is to light the menorah. I chose to use this for balance because it is symmetrical, although the candle placement is not because it was only the third day.


Leading Lines

ISO: 6,400 Aperture:6.625 Shutter Speed: 1/256

I used this photo to show leading lines because of the way that the path brings your eyes back through the image. I also thought it was cool how the color of the trees changes from brown to white as you go further back.


Landscape Symmetry

Aperture: 10, ISO:1600, Shutter Speed: 1/128

I chose to use this image because although some aspects are not completely symmetrical, overall, the two sides of the building create symmetry between the left and right side of the photo. The placement of the windows and the lines are the same on both sides and the corner of the building splits the image in half.


Rule of Thirds Motion

Aperture:7.375 ISO:400 Shutter Speed: 38792/50307

My image is an origami butterfly resting on a stack of books. I used the rule of thirds by putting the butterfly in the upper right corner. I wanted to give the impression that the butterfly is in motion flying up through the image.