Photo Blog #24-Tell A Lie
Photo Blog #24-Tell A Lie

Photo Blog #24-Tell A Lie

Original picture information: Aperture: 5.6, Shutter Speed: 1/128, ISO: 3200

I found it really interesting how simple or complicated you could lie in photography. There are many techniques people use to push the limits of what looks convincing in a photograph, like long exposure shots in dark areas to make certain moving elements “disappear” and make the photograph light, or different plays on reflections. Can you guess how I created this picture?

Maybe looking at this version will tell you how:



Honestly, both photographs have quite a bit of flaws and inconsistencies that I would have liked to fix better, but for the first attempt I think they are quite good.

(The answer: I took used a self-timer on my camera and took two separate photographs, one with and one without me, and tried to blend them together as best as possible in Photoshop)