
The Zenith project was all about choosing what we wanted to end our Freestyle experience with. Deciding on this project was one part of the process where we chose how we wanted to challenge ourselves. My Zenith project in particular was an embroidery and acrylic painting clothes craft. I decided on embroidering stars and painting waves on a pair of black pants and a black bucket hat. I was really passionate about this project going in and was especially excited about doing the embroidery part of the project since this would be my first time doing it. I envisioned having the waves on the rim of the bucket hat and the bottom of the pair of pants to represent how waves rise. I also chose to have my stars higher on the waves to kind of show how they may float in water. This project became a challenge for me; especially with time. I did well in self-teaching and finding out-of-the-box solutions for my problems, but I definitely struggled with how I structured each major deadline. With how permanent any mistake may pose on the final product, I found it hard to persevere through those sorts of moments. With close deadlines from other classes as well, this made the time crunch even more stressful. However, by giving myself new ways to be productive with this project, I was able to go around these struggles and advance in the project. I would definitely say that with each step of the process, I succeeded in continuing my project and completed it by the final deadline.


Click the first slide of my presentation below to view it!

Zenith Presentation First Slide
Me Presenting my Zenith Project to the PM Design classes!

Final Photos!


Click the button below to listen to my reflection on my Zenith project!