Story Telling

  • Flowers

    This week’s prompt was, “With spring blooms, tell the story of stunning flowers.” I took so many pictures of beautiful flowers for this prompt, and it was very hard to choose just one. I ended up settling on this photo because I really liked the way that the sun shone through the petals. The sun…

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  • Stranger

    This week’s photo blog prompt was “tell the story of a stranger.” At first, I tried to capture moments of others people lives at a park near my house. They are strangers after all. I walked with my sister, and we had a lot of fun! However, I wasn’t satisfied with any of the pictures…

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  • Aging

    This week’s prompt was, “Love it or hate it, aging is something we all experience. So tell us the story of Aging in a single photograph.” At first, I tried to look at the nature around me for things like shriveled leaves next to green buds. I wanted to find something unique to show the…

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  • Shadow

    This week’s prompt was, “Tell a story, and make it compelling while only using shadow.” I took several photos for this prompt, but ultimately decided to go with a picture of a dead spider. I thought that this photo was powerful because despite the seemingly long shadow the spider’s body cast, it would’ve been minuscule in…

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  • New Beginnings

    The prompt for this week’s blog was, “The world is full of circular patterns, some things end, others begin, tell a story of a new beginning.” I decided to choose two photos for this prompt to convey the life cycle of a rose. After brainstorming ideas, I went to a park near my house and…

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  • Speed Light Shots

    Take 4 photos with your speed lite, and post them all so that the differences are visible. Look at the resource in the photo prompts google sheet. This prompt involved experimenting with the speed lite, or flash, on a camera. It was interesting how different types of flash light in different places changed the subject…

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  • Sunsets

    The prompt for this week’s photo blog was, “Be creative about capturing a sunset.” Initially, I thought that this prompt would be difficult because I live in a residential area filled with buildings that block to skyline. Then, after attempting some pictures, I noticed that the shapes tended to turn black against the sunset, really…

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  • Sports Stories

    The prompt my class was given for this photo was to “tell a sport’s story.” I play soccer outside of school. In the past year, I have sprained both ankles. In order to let them fully heal, I am abstaining from pushing myself too hard when I do play in games or practice. This photo…

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  • Self-Portrait

    For this “Self Portrait” assignment, my goal was to take a photo that tells a story about me without showing my face. I decided to focus on the story of a personal mental health journey I recently neared the end of. In the photo I took, a reflection of my face can be seen in…

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