All posts by x


Me wearing my graduation cap and drinking an Izze. The Izze wasn’t good.

Yesterday, my friends and I met to decorate our graduation caps together. We stayed six feet apart the whole time, wore gloves, and followed all the rules. It was great to see everyone again, I hadn’t seen them in person since March.

The future is a scary thing. I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do in life, and the idea of graduation makes it even scarier. This part of my life is over but I have no idea what I want to do for the next one.

The future is scary yes, but it’s also exciting. Once the shelter-in-place ends (stay inside, don’t be an idiot), I’ll be able to GO to college. I’ll be in a major that I’m really excited about, and meet new people! Yes, the future is scary, but it’s like snowboarding. At the top, you’re terrified, but once you start going down the mountain, all you can feel is excitement.



Frog cookie! A family friend gave this to me after I found out I got into one of my top colleges. It was a very nice thing to do and it also tasted really good. This was back in February when my film partners and I stayed at Freestyle editing our film until 1 am. The sheer amount of sugar in this cookie kept me going.

Using Props

Over winter break, my family went to visit family in the UK. Our second day there, my grandmother took my sister and I to Kew Gardens. This photo was taken inside the greenhouse, literally one of the prettiest buildings I’ve ever been in. I brought a 35mm film camera with me and used most of the film roll in this building. Haven’t gotten it developed yet.

Current Events


My family and I started self-isolating the day school ended (March 14th). Since then, I went on daily walks, because that’s pretty much the only thing to do. After doing this for a week, walking became boring. So instead, I’ve been long-boarding. My board is a Sector Nine Bamboo Puerto Rico Longboard that I got back in 2013 and it’s great. Doing this instead of walking is more fun, but the streets by my house aren’t super smooth so I’ve fallen off a couple of times because my wheels keep getting stuck in the gravel.

Depth of Field

Waterfall in Wales

This photo has a lot of depth. It goes from the leaves in the foreground, all the way to the creek in the background, where the sun shines through.

Deadly Sins

Le Rêve (1932)


Picasso is a respected artist. His work and style are recognized worldwide. Museums are desperate to get their hands on any Picasso work, so much so, that they’re willing to get just sketchbooks and doodles. I visited the Tate Modern in London two years ago, and they had an exhibit on Picasso. There were some of his famous paintings (like Le Rêve pictured above) but it was mainly sketches. Doodles on the backs of napkins, ripped or smeared charcoal work. The exhibit didn’t show his talent, it showed his scratch work. Museums are so desperate to show off the fact they have Picasso’s work that they’re willing to ruin his image in the process.