• Story Telling


    The challenge this week was to produce a picture that represented freedom. I chose to take a picture of this amazing lily I found in my backyard. I love this image and the detail and simplicity it holds. Freedom to me can mean a million things, but I think more than anything freedom is being. This flower to me represented freedom as it is the sole lily mixed in with other greenery and flowers. As well it is white, which means it could easily be dyed a certain color or get dirty if dirt got on it, but it is open to possibilities because it has that freedom of changing…

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  • Inspiration

    Telling A Lie

    This week’s photo challenge was to tell a lie in a photo. Immediately I thought of perspective photos, something I love doing with friends and family just for a good laugh. I have my sister here and the secret behind this picture is that I was holding the cup above my camera high enough so my hand was not in the frame, but enough of the cup was so you could tell what it was. This makes it look like the cup is falling onto my sister and like it is big enough to completely contain her whole body. And so, I told you all a lie in this picture!

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  • Composition

    Leading Lines – Food Edition

    This week’s assignment was a familiar one, leading lines, however this time we had to include food and have those lines be leading somehow to the food. I thought this would be super easy but it turns out getting a good picture was a little tricker than I thought. I chose a knife as my leading line and an apple as my choice of food. I chose to line the knife up with the middle of the apple as if I were about to cut it to act as a leading line of separation. I thought this was a unique way to show leading lines because it is like one…

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  • Story Telling


    This week we were assigned to tell the story of a stranger, through just a picture. Seemingly impossible challenge, but thats what these are all about! Pushing and pursuing our thoughts and imaginations. So here is what I came up with is a picture of my dog, Rocky. Now he is pretty old but still acts like a puppy. Though he may not be a stranger to me, and sure I could tell you his story based on how I see it through my eyes, animals can’t communicate by words to humans. So in reality Rocky can be seen as a stranger. I chose to take this picture of him…

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  • Inspiration


    This week’s challenge was to portray what serenity meant to me. I chose to take this picture at one of my favorite places at sunset since I think sunsets are super peaceful and pretty and allow one’s mind to escape. These are the things I think of when I think of serenity, something that makes you happy and carefree, and something that takes your breath away, giving you a sense of tranquility. My friend, Naomi, demonstrates the carefree happiness I am trying to portray with her smile and utter happiness.

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  • Composition

    Lighting – Using Speedlight

    This image I took using my Speedlight at Shoup Park. The model is my friend Amara. You can see that the Speedlight was effectively used as there is light on her face so it is not washed out by the brighter light coming from the sun behind her. We had a lot of fun taking these pictures and spent a lot of time experimenting and playing with our spotlights to get the perfect image. As well we made sure to use rule of thirds again as always with a composition photo, as you can see her body fills up about a third of the frame and her head is placed…

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  • Story Telling


    I chose to tell the story of aging through eyes and experience. This picture to me represents not only the visible difference that one has as they age but the things that they see and experience throughout more years of life. As well as the different perspectives they may have of life and how they see the world versus how someone who is young sees the world. I chose to use my twin sister on the left and my mom on the right to demonstrate the story of aging.

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  • Inspiration

    No Filter

    The requirements for this photo was simply to have no filter or editing done to the photo after taking it. I chose to take a picture of these blue garage doors that I thought nicely complimented the sky. There are also some red tiles on the front of the store next to it and a bright yellow fire hydrant on the left. These elements I included to catch the viewer’s eye as with no filters added things couldn’t be enhanced. I also wanted something simplistic with good lighting so that editing wasn’t necessary.

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  • Composition

    Negative Space

    I took a trip to the beach over the weekend and took this photo. The challenge was to incorporate as much negative space into your photo as possible. I thought the beach would be perfect as there were not many people there as the sun was going down. There is a lot of negative space seen in this photo in the sky as well as the darker empty sand beach at the bottom of the frame. However, the clouds and little bit of sun peeking through the horizon add an element of interest to this negative space so the photo is still intriguing and interesting to look at.

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  • Story Telling


    The assignment for this photo was to incorporate a shadow. Now I love shadows and playing with light in photos. I think it is a huge element in how others perceive the image. I have this little trinket that you see here in the picture that actually lights up in the dark, I have the light off in the photo, but I used natural light coming through my window to make it look as if it was glowing. However, something even cooler is that since the object I used is translucent one can see the color reflected onto the carpet as red or green, not just a black shadow.

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