
Animation Intro

For this project, I learned how to get better at apps such as Photoshop and After Effects. I learned how to use frame animation on photoshop to make a smooth following sequence to make nice short animations. This Narrative unit allowed me to be more creative and to have more fun with how I want my character designs to look like.

MoodScene Animation Video

This project I was challenged to make walk cycles for both my Lock Character and my puppet I did my Lock through photoshop which I had then had to use frame animation to make my Lock walk across the screen. For the puppet, I had to use a roto brush to clean up the background, so that when he is walking across the screen you don’t see the original background, but instead, my evil laboratory set.

Mood Scene Set pictures  and explanation

Here our group was challenged to make a scenery background we decided to create an evil laboratory as we wanted to create mutated creatures. We decided to add body parts some of which were mutated like the foot, for example, had four toes than normally five. In the picture below we also had different lightenings to look and compare which were good or not.

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Character Bio

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2D puppet/3D puppet

Visual Narrative Animation

For this project, our group had to create a short film that had to be at least 30 secs – 1min long and had to have a meaning message behind it. Our group decided that we would have an old man who recently lost his woman is now facing depression, but later in the story, he finds a stray cat who later becomes his companion and friend who helps him in his loss. This was originally animated on Photoshop using frame animation tool to create a smooth sequence for our short film. We then did the editing on After Effects for our final finished product.

This below is the script board planning before doing our animations on Photoshop and then editing all our work on After Effects

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The first page of the rough script
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The second page of the rough script
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The final page of the rough script
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Our Narrative Film in After Effects for the final edits