English/Digital Media


Things I valued in the Visual Narrative Project through this project was that I learned how to think and to be more creative with my designs. Learning to make my audio track on pro tools to make my “short story audio”. I also valued in my art to create more real and detailed art in my “Hoodie design”, using Illustrator and with that using the pen tool to create amazing designs. This unit got me to connect and become creative with myself and the capabilities that I can do through my artwork.

Short Story

This assignment for me allowed me to be creative with my writing and to tell a story of how I desire it to be, with having a message behind it. The reason I decided to write my short story about Graffiti art this way is that I want to inspire people to not give up in their dreams and it’s possible to achieve those dreams if you work hard enough. The inspiration I got with creating my story was truly myself, as maybe too I hoped that I could have a good life as being an artist like my main character, wanting to entertain my art with the world, but I know that if I want to accomplish these goals I must work hard. From finish writing my short story I then had to create audio for my short story, which was done in Pro Tools. Things I valued writing my short story to the audio version of my story is that when I listen to my audio, I can finally grasp the emotions the story is trying to give instead of interpreting what the author is trying to show.

The Masterpiece Underlying the Shadows 

When I got up to the sound of my alarm clock, I looked outside, and it was dark and gloomy. I just wanted to crawl back into my bed and stay there all day. 

“Akito! Come downstairs for breakfast!” My mom shouted from the kitchen downstairs. 

I walked into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my hair.  I saw a skinny kid in the mirror with dark hair standing up. I see dark circles under my eyes after tossing and turning all night. “Do you really have what it takes to be an artist?” a voice keeps repeating in my head. Everyone will laugh at me today when I don’t win anything. 

My parents, Aika and Akin both work very hard for me to go to college. My mom, who is originally from Japan, works as a Japanese language teacher in a community college. My dad is from Nigeria and grew up in a poor area. He worked odd jobs to make ends meet, but now he is a construction worker. “I am coming!” I shouted back. I got changed and went to the kitchen. My dad was drinking his favorite coffee with a muffin.  

“How is your study going?” my dad asked. 

 “Fine, I guess,” I said, avoiding his gaze. I hated that my voice was so faint. 

 “Future doctors must study a lot to get good grades.”

 “About that…..I was thinking about switching my major. I even enrolled in an art…..” My mom interjected, “What do you mean switching? Doctors make a lot of money, and they get respect from everybody.” 

“Son, what do you want to change it to? Physics?” my dad asked. I could feel where this was going. He will now tell me why me wanting to be an artist is a bad idea because it’s all flakey and nobody becomes successful in trying to be an artist. He had always said that about his own brother whose dream was to become an artist. My voice got even smaller, “ I was thinking Art major….. My friend told me I am talented, and a lot of people like my graffiti art on Instagram.”  

“Graffiti? Like my loser brother? That’s nonsense. Graffiti is not even an art. Nobody wants to pay for stupid graffiti. Do you know that he wanted to be a graffiti artist, but now he teaches preschool children how to draw with crayons?” my dad growled. I just stood up and slammed the door on my way out of the kitchen. “Akito! Come back and listen to your father!” I heard my mom yell behind me. I ignored her, grabbed my backpack, and left the house.

 My uncle Bako used to be a graffiti artist, the kind that sprays on public walls and often called a nuisance. He said he learned to do it in Nigeria when they didn’t have a TV to watch or video games to play with. He liked it because he could spray on anything he wanted. He used to say, “I want to paint my name all over the city.” He wanted to be the next Zephyr, but he didn’t make any money doing that. He was a little crazy, but I would sneak out with him in the middle of the night and go under the highway overpass to paint. I would forget what time it was, and often I painted until the morning. This is where I can be myself without worrying about what other people think. My parents or school friends had no idea what I do. A tear dropped down from my eye and the feeling of the world pushing me down as I am running from the black hole that is sucking me away. I thought of what they said earlier is right, maybe I should quit. Nobody thinks graffiti is real art. That’s why my uncle couldn’t make a living.  

 As I was walking to the university, my friends Cory and Cherry caught up with me.  

“Akito! Congratulations! You did it!” Cherry shrieked. 

“What are you talking about?”  

“Wait! You mean you haven’t seen the Instagram post yet? Oh my god, you have to see it!” Cory, who was standing next to her, put his phone in front of my face and said, “You went viral, bro!”. Then I saw that it was one of the graffiti art I created under the highway overpass. The picture of the Orlando skyline I used to see from the top of the hill when I went hiking with my parents. Someone took a picture of my art and posted on their Instagram page, saying, “The next Zephyr.” It even had 50,000 likes! 

“Thanks, guys, I thought everyone thinks it’s a joke, but now I think maybe I have a chance at art! I am supposed to find out the result of the Art Competition soon,” I smiled. 

“We will come with you,” said Cherry. After a few minutes, we were at the University of Florida Art Center. They were about to announce the winner.  

“All competitors, please listen as we will now name the winners.” They announced a bronze medal and a silver medal. My name is not called at all. I started to feel dejected. See, it was a big mistake. You should’ve listened to your parents. Then I heard, “The gold medal goes to…. Akito Afenkenwa.” Cory and Cherry punched me in the back then gave me a big hug. 

“Congratulations!” Everyone shouted and clapped their hands as I went up on the podium and received my medal. Then I saw my mom standing near the entrance. I walked toward her. 

 “ I didn’t know you are so passionate about this…..but maybe you can do this on the side and see how it takes you. That way you have something to fall back on because you are getting good grades in Pre-Med too”, my mom said. 

“What do you think dad will say?” I asked.

“Well, let’s talk to him together”. 

I still didn’t know where this will lead to but I felt a little hope than this morning when I got up. 

Short Story Audio in Pro Tools

Short Story Audio

Geometric Light Cover Artist Statement

Sea Violets 

When I created my Geometric Light Cover I used Illustrator to create a document to make my geometric shapes. We were then asked by Mr. Flo to choose two colors for our “Geometric Light Cover”. I decided to pick purple and navy blue as my colors because these colors can create a really unique combination of a poisonous flower from the seas which is where I got my idea, “Sea Violets”. Another thing is that global warming is a big problem in the world and people seem to be not doing anything about it. This is why I decided to show in my geometric cover, leaves, raindrops, and starfish, to show that global warming should be raising awareness because not many people in the world are aware of what it is and the potential dangers it can create for our planet. From this project, I valued being able to learn more tools like pen tools, shape tools, and pencils, which allowed me to be more creative in my geometric cover. Another thing in the project I considered was that more simple designs turn out to look better than more complicated ones as when our designs print out, it’ll be easier to take it together. The final value I found considerably worth taking was that this project allowed us to step out of our creativity with how it’ll look and the meaning of what our project means which made the project more worthwhile. 

Geometric Light Cover Original Design on Illustrator
Final 3D Product

T-Shirt Design Artist Statement


I decided to create a hoodie which where I wanted to spread awareness to people of mental illness through fashionable wear. People in this world need to be reminded that it’s good to spread love to others, but it’s also essential to give yourself love. This means doing what you do makes you happy, for example, your hobbies, the people who you make delighted, or treating yourself to your favorite meal. The symbol in front of my design is a Japanese character, which means “Love,” I decided to put this on my hoodie because I’m half Japanese, and I wanted to show my cultural roots on my design, but also to make my design unique from the rest. The meaning of “TALY” means a lot to me, and the acronym means “To Always Love Yourself,” I believe this is important to me, but also other people, as loving yourself is essential and healthy. One of the things I showed this by showing a heart symbol to remind yourself to love yourself. The reason I have a spray can on my hoodie is because I’ve started to become interested in their works and hope to one day to try this kind of art in a legal sense. I valued how to become more creative with how I was going to this design. I became more skilled in my pen and brush tool when it comes to tracing more detailed objects. Lastly, it taught me to go out more with an artist can of view of where I want to get a career because now I’m becoming more interested in creating art designs for fashion clothing. 

Digital version of Hoodie Design on Illustrator
Physical Design of the Hoodie