Story Telling

Coloring without Color #34

This photo challenge of this week we were challenged to take a picture in black and white. I decided to take a picture of my tuxedo cat named Fiona as she is currently dressed up for Halloween.


Who Inspires You #33

For this photo challenge of this week we were assigned to take a picture of someone who inspires you. This week I took a picture of my current favorite artist, Rikako Aida, she is someone who inspires me to continue to work hard on my school assignments, makes me want to get out of bed and go positives things for myself, and pushes me to improve on my life even more.


Fill the Frame #32

For this photo challenge of the week we were challenged to take a picture of something that represented filling up the frame with one color. I decided to take a picture of part of my shelve which composed of the only color brown.

Story Telling

Friends and Family #31

For this photo challenge of this week we had to take pictures of someone who we thought were important family members or friends. I decided to take a photo of my mom because she has always been someone in my life who I aspire to be, independent, hard working and responsible strong person.


Your Habits #30

For this photo of the week we had to take a picture of something that we find of our good and bad habits. In this photo here I have a box full of prismacolors, which to me is a good habits as I have enjoyed using colors pencils with the new pieces I make. On the other hand I have a big fan of games, which sometimes I can get easily carried away.


Facial Symmetry #29

For this photo challenge of this week we were challenged to take a picture of ourselves and with that photo we had to go on Photoshop and have three different photos of ourselves. One is symmetrically to the left, another is symmetrical towards the right and the original photo that I used.

Story Telling

Culture #28

This challenge of this week we were challenged to take picture of something that represents my culture. The Bayern Munich Jersey in the red shows the German pride in the level of our soccer and how seriously we take soccer as a sport. The Manga that are on top of the soccer jersey, represents my Japanese part of my culture as I am a big fan of the Japanese animation scene and their comic works.


Exit #27

This week we were challenged to take a picture of something that represents an exit to somewhere else and I took a picture of my microphone because it hopes I take the path of me wanting to be an online content creator.


Geometry #26

This week we were challenged to take a picture of something representing geometry here I took a picture of a soccer net as you can see all the shapes.

Story Telling

Freedom #25

In this picture we are challenged to take something that represents freedom and here I have myself in Cancun enjoying myself at the beach relaxing.