
Center Frame Portrait #14

(photo credit: Mark Barrett)

For this photo challenge of this week we’re challenged to take a picture of using center frame portrait, I decided that it would be amazing to ask my step brother take a picture of one of my cats while I get the cat to stay still.

Story Telling

New Beginnings #13

For this photo challenge of this week we were challenged to show something that starts a new beginning. In my photo here, there are bunch of ink markers and this is my first time playing with these kind of markers, which is like a new journey for me.


Trash #12

For this week we were challenged to take pictures of inspiration through trash. I decided that I would outside and look around the high school campus for some search for inspiration. In the parking, I saw a broken pair of goggles on a pole and thought that this would make a great picture for this week.


Balance # 11

For this week we were challenged to take pictures of backgrounds that represent balance. As you can see in this photo the Diet Coke in the middle is the main focal point and the shadows reflecting off of it shows the balance.

Story Telling

Hometown #10

The Photo Challenge for this week was supposed to be about an image that tells a story about your hometown. The reason I chose this picture because it reminds me of a lot of my birth town full of nature and leaves.

Black and White #9

This photo challenge of this week challenged us to use black and white filters when taking shots on our cameras. This week I decided to go outside in my backyard and found this lightbulb dangling on a wire to which I took a picture.


Leading Lines #8

This week we are challenged to use leading lines in our photo, which is a photo that grabs attention that is drawn to lines that lead to the main subject of the image. For example, I chose the bike racks as my main subject of this photo.

Story Telling

Love Story #7

The photo challenge is to show a love story and my love story here is that I love my cats because of they help me not feel alone when I’m by myself at home whether I’m doing my homework or watching television.

Weight or Mass #6

For this photo challenge of this week, we had to find an image that represented inspiration with having one object represented as heavy in which in this picture is the car and one object that shows as being light which is the leaf.

Symmetry Landscape #5

For this photo challenge, I had to take pictures of symmetry in a landscape. For this challenge, I decided to take a picture of a tree trunk with many other plants in the background and it represents the symmetry with the tree trunk in the middle.