
Tell a Lie #24

For this photo challenge of the week we were challenged to take a picture of something that can fool the camera. Here I have a jar fooling us making it look bigger when it really isn’t.


Serenity #21

For this photo challenge of this week we had a to take a picture representing serenity, which I decided to take a picture of the shoreline lake because here it is very relaxing, calm and no distractions.


#No Filter #18

For this photo challenge of this week, we were challenged to take pictures of anything without having a filter. I decided to take a picture of my mood scene set up as I thought it would be cool to display a picture of.


Anonymous #15

For this week we challenged to take a picture that would make us students anonymous, I decided to use of my cats because it would be hard to distinguish who I am.


Trash #12

For this week we were challenged to take pictures of inspiration through trash. I decided that I would outside and look around the high school campus for some search for inspiration. In the parking, I saw a broken pair of goggles on a pole and thought that this would make a great picture for this week.


Black and White #9

This photo challenge of this week challenged us to use black and white filters when taking shots on our cameras. This week I decided to go outside in my backyard and found this lightbulb dangling on a wire to which I took a picture.


Weight or Mass #6

For this photo challenge of this week, we had to find an image that represented inspiration with having one object represented as heavy in which in this picture is the car and one object that shows as being light which is the leaf.

Mood #3

Cat Sleeping

For my photo challenge for this week I had to show what my mood for today is. In this Picture I’m showing a picture of my cat who is sleeping showing that I am happy that it is the weekend which means that I can sleep in then get up early.