Photo Blog 10: Hometown

A streetlamp on Bryant Avenue during the night
A streetlamp on Bryant Avenue

For this week’s photo, we were challenged to tell about our hometown. I grew up on Bryant Avenue for almost 75% of my life, and its heavily defined my childhood. Because of this particular street, I was able to walk to school everyday for 11 years because of its close vicinity to Oak, Blach and Mountain View High. I like to take walks down my street every weekend to clear my head, and I enjoy how tranquil and quiet it is(only on weekends though). I photographed one of the street signs across from my house. Because it was around 8pm, it was incredibly dark(and cold!) outside, so I used my phone’s flashlight to shine light on the sign. Using Adobe Photoshop, I was able to brighten the photo even more and bring highlights to the signs and the pole.