Story Telling


The Process of Life

Every living organism on Earth goes through the same process. From the day one is born to the day you die. In short, that process is called aging. Humans age, animals age, plants age. Every living thing. But at the foundation of all of them, is the tree. Trees are the longest living organism across our planet and can live for hundreds to thousands of years. Thousands, sometimes millions of people pass a tree in its lifetime. And when this tree right here was born, none of us were alive. If it’s my guess, it’s over 300 years old. When it first started the process of life, it was a little organism. And now it is hundreds feet tall. Decades later, it’s gone through a lot. It’s still in the process of aging. Within the bark we can see each tiny little crack and crevice that’s been formed. Just like humans’ skin ages and gets wrinkly, so does the bark on a tree. And for many years to come, billions of living organisms will go through the process of aging, some for days, others for years, and some a millennium. Aging is a natural process, one of life, and we just have to adapt to it.

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