
Creative Staged & Depth of Field

A Staged Swish

For this week’s challenge, we were instructed to take a staged photograph using depth of field. I do have to say, this was one of the hardest photos to think of and even in the end, I didn’t come up with the most miraculous idea. If I were to take a photo of someone shooting the ball and swishing it, it wouldn’t exactly be staged because it’s something that’s actually happening. But, to make it seem like someone actually cashed the shot, I held the ball up with my hand just under the frame of the photo. So, if I were to show this photo to someone else, they would think that someone actually shot the ball and it wasn’t Reed’s hand holding it up. Now, in terms of depth of field, I wanted a shallow depth of field to emphasize the subject and the main attraction of the image, the basketball.

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