Happiness through vibrant colors.


Happiness through vibrant colors.
Happiness through vibrant colors.

The goal for this week was to show your mood through a piece of art. Today I was quite happy. Even though I had lots of work to complete, I still enjoyed doing it and working on it with friends made it all the better. It’s crazy how I feel the most happy and am in the best mood when I wake up early and am productive throughout the day. Aside from schoolwork, I got to mess around, paint a table with my friends, and get quite a few poker games in. Now, when thinking of how I can associate happiness within a photo, without simply showing a person smiling, I immediately thought about vibrant colors. They are proven to make you feel happier and more optimistic. Some of the most vibrant colors are seen at sunset, which is what inspired me to use this beautiful pink sunset as a representation of my mood. On another note, sunsets in their own entirety also make me very happy. So in the end, I was able to combine two things into one composition to reflect my mood of the day: happiness.

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