Photo Blog 27: Exit

a stack of college mail in a collage-style photo
a stack of college mail

For our final photo blog of the year, we were challenged to take a photo inspired by the theme of “exit”. I chose to interpret an exit as something that also leads to another beginning. At the moment, I am “exiting” my junior year and preparing to become a senior next fall. With the exit of junior year comes the notorious college application process at the beginnings of senior year. I think that the college search process also demonstrates a transition from our high school exit into the rest of our futures, no matter where they may be. In order to visualize my interpretation of “exit”, I decided to photograph a collage-style photo of the stacks of college mail I have received over the last few months. Believe it or not, this wasn’t even all of them! Facing this process will definitely be daunting in the summer/fall, but I know I’ll be able to push through.